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International / MNC Marketing and Trading

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International / MNC Marketing and Trading

International /MNC Marketing & Exports

Beyond boundaries there is abundance business in 200+ countries, are you able to unlock, so far any, if not, come and I can show overview of that & you may even get glimpse of it then you have made it.

Come and let us have some learning together to expand your business which is in Abundance and through our course it is available at your fingertips!

Please go through the points shared below mentioning what all it covers in Trading & International / MNC Marketing.

International / MNC Marketing & Trading
- Trading
- Basis of International Trade
- International Marketing
- Factors Relevant to International Marketing
- International & Multinational Marketing
- Exporting: Direct & Indirect Exports
- Scope of International Marketing
- Difference in Domestic and International Marketing
- Apraising Marketing Environments
- Industrial Structure
- Subsistence Economies
- Raw Material Economies
- Industrial Economies
- Conclusions

Good Luck.

Get in touch with us, if you would like to know further information or interest to join our below discourse sessions. Msg us on W A on +91 9769582375 or call on us on +91 9769582343.

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  • 1500.00₹
  • 3000.00₹


5 sections • 6 lectures • 01h 21m total length
Trading, Basis of International Trade International Marketing & MNC Marketing Factors Relevant to International Marketing Exporting: Direct & Indirect Exports Scope of International Marketing The difference in Domestic & International Marketing Appraising Marketing Environment Industrial Structure: Subsistence Economies, Raw Material Economies, Industrial Economies Conclusions TRADE: Buy and sell: Goods: Exchange for money, consideration etc. TRADING: Domestic and International (Foreign) DOMESTIC: Within Boundary/National Frontier (within one country) INTERNATIONAL: Across National frontiers. (At least two countries) EXPORTS: Going out of country: Goods, services (Company earn foreign exchange) IMPORTS: Coming into the country: Good, services. (Company lose foreign exchange)
- Different Geological Deposits / Natural resources - Different Availability: Labour, Productivity, Skilled / Semi-Skilled - Different Scale of Economics for Different Products - Research & Development: Monopoly Products - Technology, Equipment, Automation - Similar Demand Characteristics with similar Economies - Technical skills / expertise to Manufacture / develop Application - Capital - Enterprise & Industrial Conditions - Different Climatic Conditions, Needs/Wants, Calamities - Good Infrastructure: Road, Railways, Ports, Communications, Banking, Power, Transportation, etc - Scarcity / Surplus: Products / Production - Govt. Trade Policy: Free/restricted, Trade Agreements, Intl. economic Institutions, Tariffs Barriers, Joint Commissions: WTO, IMF, UNCTAD - Quality High, Specific, Precision - Foreign Exchange Requirement: Hard Currency - BOP Position: Favourable / Unfavourable - Govt. Strategic Division: Particular sector, Commodity, etc (Self Sufficiency, Protection, etc.) - Change in National Boundaries: Gaining or Losing Land - Regional Economic Groupings: EU, NAFTA, ASEAN,SAARC - Incentives: Direct / Indirect: Advance License, Cash support, Incentives - Exports to Pay Imports International marketing is more than exporting because it could involve a company in the marketing in foreign countries of goods locally part-manufactured or assembled on firms behalf, or in the import to one foreign country of goods from a second foreign country for subsequent local sale or for re-export, Or in the establishment of permanent establishments in foreign nations in order to warehouse and distribute products, or in Licensing and Franchising of the farm products to local businesses; or in other more general marketing activities in foreign states. Careful & Continuous research into foreign consumer behavior. Willingness to create new products and adapt existing products to satisfy the needs of WORLD markets. Products may have to be adapted to suit the tastes, needs and economic and other characteristics of consumers in specific regions, rather than in being assumed that an item that sells well in one country will be successful in others. Integration of the international side of the company's business with all aspects of its operations International marketing considerations must be taken into account when designing and developing products, when selecting transport, distribution systems, when dealing with banks, advertising agencies, and so on. And when structuring the overall organization of the firm. The international marketing manager needs to be involved in corporate planning, sales forecasting, the recruitment and training of marketing personnel & the control of salespeople ' in the field'. UNDIFFERENTIATED STRATEGY: International marketing might involve the application of an identical marketing mix in all countries e.g. Offering exactly the same product using identical promotional images and methods in a wide range of markets. Differences in market segments are ignored. Products are designed and advertised in order to appeal to the widest possible range of customers.
The United East India company was a pioneering early model of the multinational corporation at the dawn of modern capitalism. Reasons for Marketing Abroad: Hope for the economics of scale & scope, resulting in increased output. The possibility of the existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries that are not available at home. Sale in Foreign Market: Necessary registrations. Foreign Trade documentation, transport, logistics, and method for getting paid. Passive Exporting: Orders received without canvassing. Active Exporting: Business policy of the firm to set up systems for organizing export functions & for dealing with export logistics, documents, and finance. Direct sale in foreign markets cuts out expensive intermediaries & allows absolute control over exports marketing techniques and strategies. Exporters assume responsibility for shipping, customs, clearance, distribution, advertising, price policies, and final sale. Export Department or branch Cultural Differences, technical and language problems frequently induce exporters to use intermediaries, based culture in the house or the foreign countries. Export Merchants: Resides in exporters country. Conformance Homes: Represent foreign buyers, finance. Export Agents: On commission. Buying Offices e.g. UN Export Marketing Companies: Specialist export managers A. By opening a branch/ subsidiary for processing, packaging, assembly or even complete mfg. Trough D.I. B. Negotiating Licencing/ Franchising, granting exporting company's know-how, viz: patents, processes, trademarks with/without financial investments. JV's for manufacturing and/or Marketing. Consultancy, Turn Key, etc. Sub-Contracting, countertrade. Importing for export promotion.
Trading amongst the nations is a historical phenomenon. For thousands of years trading of goods took place. The content, structure, methods, and procedures of trading have however undergone a qualitative and structural change from age to age and from region to region. Post-war developments, in the fields of science and technology, political and economic aspirations formation of regional and trading groups, trade restrictions, and a host of other factors have added new dimensions and brought far-reaching changes in international trade policy, motives, techniques, and pattern. Factors of importance related to domestic, economic, and political conditions include existing and potential resources, level and trend of economic growth, industrial base and structure, and existing facilitating agencies for foreign trade. Domestic Import/Export policies and procedures, domestic demand, and availability of surpluses. Development and expansions of export potential industries. Greater processing of raw materials. Planned development for exports particular sector and imports substitution. Export incentives, support schemes. Quality control standards. Institutional and infrastructural support (Roads, ports, and storage). An exporter has to overcome various constraints and adapt its plans and its operations to suit foreign environmental conditions. The main element of foreign Environments are: Political Dimension: Different countries have different Political environments. Policies, regulations, control mechanisms regarding foreign trade and commercial relations. The following 4 factors should be considered while doing business with a particular country. Attitude towards international buying: receptive, encouraging e.g. Singapore, UAE, etc Political stability: Government change, Violently or with Democratic Elections. Direct investment with a politically stable company. Monetary regulations: Hard world currencies? Currency restrictions, fluctuations in the exchange rate. Government Bureaucracy: Efficient systems for customs clearance, product handling, distribution, infrastructure. With the change in a boss or political party change in foreign trade policy and whims regarding particular industry or foreign companies. The manner in which people consume; their priority of needs and wants they attempt to satisfy, and the manner in which they satisfy is a function of their culture. CULTURE dictates the STYLE of LIVING. This culture is sum total of a)Knowledge, b) Belief, C)Art, d)Moral, e)Laws, f)Customs, g)Member of which society, h) Religion, i)education, j) Taste, k) Style(Fashion), l)Consumption habits, m)Attitudes, n) Behaviour in spite of closer similarities in geographical, economical and political conditions. E.G. A french man uses twice as many cosmetics and beauty aids as does his wife. Only one french man out of three brushes his teeth. The dutch never touches Vodka. Germans eat more spaghetti and more often than Italians. IV. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Economic indicators like GNP, distribution of wealth, BOP, dependability on imports. The countries industrial structure shapes its products and services, income levels, employment levels, and so on
Subsistence Economies: Vast majority of people engaged in SIMPLE AGRICULTURE and CONSUME most of their output and BARTER the rest of their simple goods and services. Few opportunities for exporters. Raw Material Exporting Economies: Rich in 1 or more natural resources and poor in other products. Exports its natural resources after extracting. e.g. Chile (Tin and Copper), Malaysia(Copper), Arab Countries (Oil). Good markets for extractive instruments, material handling equipment, and tools, supplies. Good markets for western-style commodities and luxury items. Industrializing Economies: manufacturing accounts for 20% of GNP. e.g. Egypt, Brazil, India, and the Philippines. These countries rely on imports of heavy machinery, raw materials, paper, automobiles. Due to industrialization a new rich class and growing middle class demands a new type of goods to satisfy through imports. Industrial Economies: They are major exporters of manufactured goods and investment firms. They trade amongst themselves and with other types of economies for raw materials and finished products. Large varied manufacturing activities and sizable middle class make them rich markets for all types of goods. LEGAL DIMENSIONS All rules and regulations regarding product specifications; standards, packaging, labeling, Copywrite, trademark, patents, health & safety regulations particularly in respect of foods and drugs. There are also controls in promotional methods, price control, trade margin, markup, etc. GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT Climatic features, altitudes, temperatures, humidity, etc. A prospective international marketer should be reasonably familiar with the world, its climate topographic difference. BUSINESS DIMENSION This includes business customs and practices, distribution structure, and channel network, competitive patterns, means and methods of the marketing environment, and similar factors related to conducting marketing activities. The international marketing environment has various major elements which are neither common nor static in different world markets. The existence of ever-changing characteristics of the environmental elements gives rise to the real problems of international marketing. An exporter must be sensitive and responsive to those environmental differences and develop a clear perspective to locate opportunities abroad and design products and develop strategies compatible with situations. All these factors are intimately connected with the process of market selection, product adaptation, pricing, strategies and distribution & promotions which are the basic tasks of marketing management.


  • English, Internet


International /MNC Marketing & Exports

Beyond boundaries there is abundance business in 200+ countries, are you able to unlock, so far any, if not, come and I can show overview of that & you may even get glimpse of it then you have made it.

Come and let us have some learning together to expand your business which is in Abundance and through our course it is available at your fingertips!

Please go through the points shared below mentioning what all it covers in Trading & International / MNC Marketing.

International / MNC Marketing & Trading
- Trading
- Basis of International Trade
- International Marketing
- Factors Relevant to International Marketing
- International & Multinational Marketing
- Exporting: Direct & Indirect Exports
- Scope of International Marketing
- Difference in Domestic and International Marketing
- Apraising Marketing Environments
- Industrial Structure
- Subsistence Economies
- Raw Material Economies
- Industrial Economies
- Conclusions

Good Luck.

Get in touch with us, if you would like to know further information or interest to join our below discourse sessions. Msg us on W A on +91 9769582375 or call on us on +91 9769582343.

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